Partygoers have been invited to join in the festivities at a new year party in Cardross.

Helensburgh and District Highland Association’s Hogmanay Party Dance will take place in Geilston Hall on Sunday, December 31.

The event will start at 9pm to 2am with doors opening at 8pm and last entry at 10pm.

The Stuart McKeown Scottish Dance Band will be providing music for the night and there will be a raffle, a piper, and a first foot at the bells.

Guests are asked to bring their own drinks, snacks, and food as these will not be provided.

Tickets are priced at £20 for non-members aged 16 and over and spaces for accompanied under 16s will cost £10 - with tickets including tea and coffee.

Tickets must be purchased in advance of the event from secretary Anne Thorn by calling 07490 274 871 or emailing