A Helensburgh business chief has revealed why she thinks plans to bring Domino's Pizza to the town are good news for the local economy.

Dr Wendy Hamilton, local representative for the Federation of Small Businesses, was reacting to plans to bring the global pizza brand to a site close to the centre of the town.

But Dr Hamilton says she hopes Domino's proposed arrival won't harm the independent businesses already providing similar takeaway food in Helensburgh.

As reported previously by the Advertiser, MSG Scotland Ltd has submitted two applications to Argyll and Bute Council for a site in West Princes Street.

One is for a 'change of use' of the premises from a shop to a takeaway restaurant, the other seeks planning permission for illuminated signs on the property.

Documents submitted with the latter application feature computer-generated images of the Domino's Pizza logo and branding at the premises.

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The shop unit at 11 West Princes Street was previously home to Rossdhu Refills, which closed its doors in May 2022.

Dr Hamilton said: “It’s great to see a popular global brand recognising Helensburgh as a good place to be situated and it’s great to hear an empty retail unit is going to be filled with another business adding vibrancy to our high street and creating jobs for local residents.

“However, we already have some very popular pizza restaurants in the town, and we must hope the arrival of Domino’s does not negatively impact upon well established businesses such as Mire Mare and Padrone.”

The nearest Domino's Pizza to Helensburgh at present is located at the St James retail park in Dumbarton.

After the Advertiser reported the news on social media, there was a mixed reaction from local residents - with some welcoming the prospect of greater choice, and others expressing concern at the number of food outlets in the town and the potential impact on existing independent businesses.

On our Facebook page, one reader said: “Yes there's lots of takeaways, but an empty shop is worse.

“Dominoes generally open and start deliveries from lunchtime, no other takeaway in our town offers this service.”

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Another added: “The site that Domino's are going for has been left empty for months. It's a big unit which smaller businesses cannot afford to rent, especially in a cost-of-living crisis.

“No one, except a well-known larger business like Domino's, would be able to afford everything that the site would cost. Is it not better than being left empty and derelict?”

One person added: “Better than an empty shop and Domino's pizza is amazing.”

Decisions on the latest applications are expected from planning officers by Christmas, with the plans now available to view in the authority’s planning portal.

Rossdhu Refills closed its doors in May of last year, having originally opened as Zero Waste Helensburgh in 2019.

To view the takeaway planning application and submit comments, visit the council’s website at www.argyll-bute.gov.uk and search the reference number 23/02014/PP.