LONG-DELAYED plans cycle path for a cycle path linking Helensburgh, Cardross and Dumbarton have been held up yet again.

And residents of Cardross are being invited to a public meeting to consider the next steps for the village as frustration grows at the lengthy delays to the Argyll and Bute Council project.

According to a report presented to a meeting of the council's Helensburgh and Lomond area committee, the last stage of the project - the construction of the fourth and final phase of the route between Cardross and Dumbarton - is not expected to be finished until the spring of 2030.

The project dates all the way back to the early 2000s when it secured the backing of the then Scottish Executive and its transport minister, Labour's Sarah Boyack.

But it has been beset by delay after delay since then around funding, routeing, consultation and - most significantly - the acquisition of land needed to complete the project.

Now, Cardross Community Council (CCC) are inviting residents to attend their next meeting on Monday, September 18, to work out their next potential steps.

READ MORE: Helensburgh-Dumbarton cycle designs delayed until September

A report to the area committee said costs had gone up again, and that they still hadn't secured landowner agreement to do the enviromental surveys required to move the project forward.

A contract has been awarded for more than £99,000 to Civic Engineers to find the preferred route linking the existing cyclepath at Morrisons and Hermitage Academy to Helensburgh town centre, and the new segregated cycle way being built at the town's waterfront.

But the key will be getting that section of the route linked to Cardross and Dumbarton - something which makes the project, on paper, a "priority" for Argyll and Bute Council.

The report prepared for the area committee's September 12 meeting asked councillors to give the green light to officers to "engage with Scottish Government civil servants to identify the current requirements for a compulsory purchase order" (CPO).

But the report also says that this "exploratory engagement" would not include the submission of any CPOs.

That step would need the approval of the appropriate council committe - and possibly of the full council - before it could be pursued.

Lindsey Young, vice convener of CCC, said: "Cardross Community Council will be discussing the latest update given to the Helensburgh and Lomand area committee at their meeting from 8pm to 9pm this coming Monday, September 18 at Geilston Hall, Cardross.

"Anyone who is interested in the subject is welcome to attend in person or online.

"Online joining details can be obtained from Patrick Trust (convener) at drpmtrust@btinternet.com.

"There has been little progress on the technical design over the summer and the CCC are considering the option of mounting a communication campaign for this long awaited project."