A Helensburgh care home has been given a positive inspection after complaints were upheld against the facility earlier this year.

Four complaints were raised with the Care Inspectorate about the Argyle Care Centre in West Argyle Street in January this year.

The complaints related to inadequate healthcare or treatment, communication between staff, service users and relatives, and the complaints procedure.

The care body issued a number of requirements and expected actions for the home to carry out following the complaints, which included updating records and plans after falls by residents.

An unannounced inspection took place on May 31, to check if the service at the care centre had improved since January.

The home was praised for its new approach to managing falls at the facility, but several areas were still labelled for improvement.

The report said: “The service had worked hard to keep people healthy and safe to improve their approach to managing falls.

“Their electronic system had been updated to allow management oversight of all accident and incident records.

“A clear triage process is now in place which allows the monitoring of any follow up actions identified and clearly recorded.

“We identified that not all staff had completed pain management training, and the manager should continue to ensure all staff are appropriately skilled to meet the needs of people experiencing care.

“We viewed evidence of audits carried out monthly by the manager, which included falls, with clear follow up actions identified and recorded.”

The facility was also praised for its improvements in communicating with service users’ families and carers in a regular fashion.

The report added: “Care plans sampled contained clear information about when families should be contacted, and we viewed records which confirmed when families had been contacted.

“The service now has a system in place to ensure family contact details are up to date and accurate.

“To improve this further, we have suggested that every six months, personal detail records are sent to families to confirm their contact details are correct or if they require updating.

“To ensure people's personal belongings are identified and recorded when a person moves on or passes away, an inventory of belongings record should be in place to record when and which items are passed on to families or relevant others.”

Dawn Lambert, home manager, said: "I am delighted that the recent report recognises all my team’s hard work and the progress we have made to improve the quality of care for our residents.

"We will continue to make improvements moving forward. Well done team Argyle."

The full inspection report can be viewed on the Care Inspectorate website.