THE campaign for a new "high road" option to replace part of the current road along Loch Lomondside has been given fresh backing by Helensburgh's MSP.

Jackie Baillie spoke in support of the Helensburgh and District Access Trust's campaign at a meeting of a key Scottish Parliament committee.

Transport Scotland, the government transport agency, wants to build a new road to replace the section of the A82 north of Tarbet - using an alignment close to the current route along the north-west shore of the loch.

The section of the route north of Tarbet has long been recognised as being in need of replacement or significant renewal, with the narrow and twisty sections making it difficult for larger vehicles to pass and increasing the risk of accidents.

But the Trust, and the Friends of Loch Lomond and the Trossachs conservation charity, both favour the construction of a brand new road further up the hillside - saying that Transport Scotland's plans threaten the natural beauty of the lochside.

The Trust wants Transport Scotland to carry out a full appraisal of its preferred "high road" option.

The Trust petitioned the Scottish Parliament's citizen participation and petitions committee on the issue after the petition was signed by more than 600 people - and MSPs on the committee agreed to write to Transport Scotland voicing their concerns. 

Ms Baillie, who spoke in favour of the petition at the committee's meeting last week, voiced her opposition to the potentially "catastrophic" Transport Scotland preference, which would viaducts over the water.

The committee has now written to the transport minister voicing their concerns.

Campaigners said they were "delighted" by support from the petitions committee.

Read more: Helensburgh and District Access Trust celebrates petition

Ms Baillie said: “This is too important an issue not to get right.

“This is not just a transport project but it is a project which will benefit those living in and visiting the national park.

“It is also of critical importance to hauliers and will have an impact on the economy and life of people living in Tarbet and Ardlui.

“The option presented by Transport Scotland would see big swathes of road going out over Loch Lomond, which would be catastrophic.

“There needs to be a full and proper appraisal carried out of the high road option which is favoured by local people and would protect the lochside.

“The A82 is a busy and dangerous road and we are now facing yet another summer season where people’s safety is put at risk because of the lack of progress in overhauling this route.

“The Scottish Government must act on this and ensure a full STAG appraisal is carried out to make sure the high road option is properly considered and implemented.”

Responding to the petition, transport minister Kevin Stewart said: “As with all improvements to the trunk road we are following a rigorous assessment process to establish the design of the A82 Tarbet to Inverarnan scheme.

“We are satisfied that we have followed due process and remain satisfied with the outcomes of the options appraisal process.

“We fully understand people feel strongly about this route and this is why maintaining the natural beauty of this key lifeline link is an integral part of the design to ensure we deliver the right scheme and keep impacts on the environment to the absolute minimum.

“As with all our major projects, engagement with local communities and other stakeholders is also at the heart of scheme development.

“This will ensure feedback received is taken into account as we develop our plans.

“While there is still a lot of development work to be carried out, which is being informed by our enhanced understanding of the specific complexities associated with improving this iconic route, we continue to push forward the preparation stages to deliver this scheme as soon as possible.”