PUPILS at Hermitage Academy got a huge surprise this week when a West End star dropped into their rehearsal.

The youngsters were preparing for their performances of Sunshine on Leith, which started on Tuesday night, when Hamilton’s Reuben Joseph paid them a visit.

In a tweet, the school’s music department said: “Thank you so much Reuben! We are very grateful - lovely to see you back on that stage again!”

Reuben also took to social media to share his excitement at returning to his old school.

On Instagram, he said: “Honestly, was really sweet coming back to say hello.

“Been eight years since I was on this stage.

“Not exaggerating when I say this was the first place that I started to feel like I had something to offer.

“After feeling pretty aimless for a lot of high school (both socially and ambition wise), performing here felt like I’d found my people and a dream to work towards.

“Heading back to the Hamilton stage tomorrow night with a full heart.”

The school’s final performance of Sunshine on Leith takes place tonight (Thursday) at 7pm.