SPEED limit signs are set be slapped on household wheelie bins around Helensburgh under an idea raised by the town’s senior police officer.

Inspector Roddy MacNeill says the sticker campaign would be a highly visible road safety measure to drivers on bin collection days around the town.

The idea – which Inspector MacNeill says has worked well elsewhere in Scotland – appeared in a report for a meeting of Argyll and Bute Council’s Helensburgh and Lomond community planning group last Thursday.

In his written report ahead of the meeting, Inspector MacNeill told the group’s members: “Speeding remains an issue in various areas, I am in the process of implementing a wheelie bin speed limit sticker campaign.

“This is 30mph stickers that go on the wheelie bins and on bin days it gives constant signage the full length of the street in question, at no cost to the local community.

“It may influence driver behaviour [and] has been used to some effect in Dumfries. We continue to service the speeding areas best we can.”

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Inspector MacNeill also says his officers will work with council and National Park officials to ensure the Loch Lomond area is properly patrolled during what is expected to be – and, in fact, is already becoming – a busy visitor season.

The inspector added: “The area, especially that sitting within the National Park, is becoming very busy as restrictions ease and we predict a very busy summer period due to the continued international travel restrictions.

“I am working closely with the National Park Authority, local authority and colleagues on the east and north end of the park.

“There will be a weekly meeting to identify any trends and resources moved accordingly.

“I have the assistance of the force reserve and other specialist departments through the coming months, including the mounted branch, marine unit on Loch Lomond etc.”

Two people were recently reported to the procurator fiscal after police reportedly identified that they were camping in the national park without a valid permit.