VILLAGE residents showed their love for their community on Valentine’s Day by donating hundreds of items - and hundreds of pounds - to the local food bank.

Thanks to the efforts of 16-year-old Sophie Reid, who is in S5 at Lomond School, in promoting a collection drive, Shandon neighbours rallied to raise £330 for the Helensburgh and Lomond Foodbank, as well as four car loads of food donations.

Kind-hearted Sophie, supported by Rhu and Shandon Parish Church and fellow resident, Fiona Hughes, designed and hand delivered leaflets to all houses in Shandon and mounted posters to inform the local community of the collection on Sunday, February 14, an initiative which helps contribute towards her Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award.

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Sophie recognised that due to the Covid-19 pandemic, people may be finding it tougher to donate to the food bank, and so she created an easy and accessible way to help support the organisation by arranging a designated outdoor collection point - with appropriate safety measures in place - for people to drop off food donations.

The stock collected is expected to be enough to supply food bank users for two weeks, and a further collection day is planned on Sunday, March 28. For more details email

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