PLANS which could see visitors fly direct by helicopter to a new development of holiday lodges near Cardross have been unveiled.

Applicant Patrick Doherty is seeking outline planning permission for a development of five one-and-a-half storey lodges on a currently vacant patch of land to the east of Westerhill Cottage in Ardoch, on a hillside site 0.497 hectares in size, between the village and Dumbarton.

The development site is directly next to a helipad already in place next to the cottage – and Mr Doherty’s agent says that if permission is granted in principle for the scheme, the landing site will be retained.

Agent John Daly, of Daly Planning and Design, states that the proposed development aims to capitalise on increasing demand for visitor accommodation in the area.

It’s also hoped that the development, if and when it’s built, will take advantage of the recent decision to grant permission for a conference and events facility at a nearby property, Leabank, just outside Dumbarton.

Mr Daly says: “The purpose of the development is to provide holiday accommodation in support of the local tourist industry and demand for such accommodation increasing in this locality.

“This will be likely to continue to increase due to the introduction of such large developments as the nearby conference centre.

“The five lodges would be under one title and as a group, they would be run as a business to provide high quality accommodation in the area.

“It is intended that the existing helicopter landing pad be retained and the helicopter would be used to provide access directly from the airport and to other parts of Scotland.”

In a tacit acknowledgement that not everybody may arrive by helicopter, the plans also include two vehicle parking spaces to the rear of each lodge, with each of the buildings having a ground floor patio and first floor balcony at the front.

The application is for planning permission in principle, with detailed designs for the buildings to be submitted only in the event of outline permission being granted.

The application is currently being considered by Argyll and Bute Council’s planning officers. To view the papers in detail, go to the council’s website and search for the application code 17/02123/PPP.