Jack Docherty, legend of TV and the Fringe, has agreed to add a local date to his UK wide tour, based on his hit Fringe Show from last summer, Bowie and Me: Parallel Lives.

It was put on by the Gilded Balloon who are promoting the tour, and who have kindly added this date – the only one north of the Clyde.

So Jack will be at Cove Burgh Hall on Saturday evening to entertain a huge crowd of fans musing on Bowie – a personal hero – AI, mortality and first love. Unmissable!

The two men actually met when David guested on one of Jack’s chat shows which was the inspiration for this typical flight of fancy.

Since then of course he’s done a wheen of other work, not least the brilliant comedy Scot Squad which has already spawned a spin off show with Jack reprising his role as chief Cameron Miekleson. It was announced in January and is due to be filmed this year.

Any resemblance to former Scottish chief constable Stephen House is not entirely co-incidental.

Jack/Miekleson’s recent spoof on how to apologise without causing offence has already gone viral.

A few tix still available as usual at coveburghhall.org.uk.