IMPORTANT woodland in the heart of Rhu could be saved for the community - if buyers can be found.

Rhu and Shandon Community Council said the sale of Ardenconnel Wood by Luss Estates was an opportunity to block a potential housing development there.

In a newsletter update, they said a group of more than a dozen residents offered to snap up the woodland on a lease-to-buy basis while they form a community trust to purchase it outright.

The land was put on the market for offers over £20,000 and the community council said Luss Estates accepted the lease-to-buy plan - but wanted £30,000.

Friday was the closing date for buying the 9.66 acres of land and the newsletter said Luss Estates were offered more for the plot. However, it claimed that they would prefer it go to the community.

The newsletter update, from community council member Fiona Baker, stated: "The woodland is in a neglected condition but is a major nature, biodiversity and recreational asset.

"It is not automatically protected as ancient woodland by planning legislation as it is registered as long established plantation origin.

"There are tree protection orders (TPOs) on several trees but we have all recently witnessed 37 trees with TPOs felled at Blairvadach for development.

"With houses on four sides of the woodland the residents who have donated funds so far are concerned it might be sold to a developer.

"Sixteen residents, neighbours and friends contacted on an ad hoc basis, clubbed together and made an offer to purchase the woodland on a lease to buy basis.

"The proposal was to offer £20k and initially lease the woodland for one or two years during which residents could form a community trust and seek grant funding - essentially allowing us time to form a legal entity and raise money.

"Luss Estates have accepted our lease-to-buy proposal provided we can meet the price of £30k."

The newsletter message added: "According to Luss Estates, other bidders have offered more but they have stated they would prefer to sell to the community.

"In order for us to proceed with confidence we are appealing for more donors who might be able to contribute to the acquisition of the woodland for community ownership."

The community council said they would like to find 30 residents to each donate £1,000 to spread the financial burden. Given the existing donations, they need an extra 14 pledges.

The community council added: "The emerging community group hope that with the lease-to-buy option there will be sufficient time to leverage the funds raised by the community to secure grants and match funding."

A meeting will be held at 6pm on Wednesday, October 9 before the regular community council meeting to discuss Ardenconnel Wood.

The newsletter states Fiona Baker has been negotiating with Luss Estates and their agents, Goldcrest, on behalf of the community. She can be contacted with potential offers to help buy the land.

Duchess Wood is also being put up for sale by Luss Estates, they announced last week.

Simon Miller, Luss Estates Company CEO, said: "Luss Estates Company is in conversation with the community regarding the sale of Ardenconnel Woods and would welcome a sale to the community. 

"Luss Estates is also reviewing other bids and will not be in a position to comment further until due diligence has been completed.

"Luss Estates has for many years had a forestry management plan agreed with Forestry Scotland. The current application is to renew and update this plan.

"Over the past 10 years Luss Estates has planted over 750,000 commercial and native trees, which will over coming decades sequester a significant amount of carbon.

"We are proud to be contributing towards Scotland’s climate change objectives and protecting the natural environment. Duchess Woods and Ardenconnel Woods are not included in Luss Estates’ forestry management plan."